Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board member Mike Negra may have
inadvertently told the truth (he'll probably be fined for that). Quoted in a
story about the PLCB's
recently announced price hikes that ran in several state newspapers, Negra
let it slip that the PLCB's
main mission is the survival of the PLCB, its
jobs, stores, and cushy bureaucratic positions. How
else are you supposed to interpret this quote?
"Given our need inside this building and throughout our agency due to rising costs of employee benefits and so forth, a lot of that is out of our hands, we felt it was something we needed to do," said board member Mike Negra. "That's what is behind it."
Any PLCB bureaucrat |
You see that, right? "Given
our need inside this building..." None of the usual
window dressing and self-sacrificing bullshit about how the PLCB does so much for the state. Nothing about the
General Fund, nothing about the
state's financial crisis, nothing about the
State Police, nothing about
actual alcoholism prevention (
what about the children???), and certainly
nothing about
you, you poor shlub. No, the
prices are going up because the bureaucracy needs to fund their
ever-increasing operating costs.
We told you,
over and over, that
"flexible pricing" would mean "
higher pricing." We take no joy in being right,
we just wish someone would have listened.
Now can you finally call your rep and tell them it's time to
privatize this mess?
All of it?
what has happened to albert brooks? noticeable absent as of late given the different stories around the state.
I'm still here. Been busy, out of town, death in the family....all sorts of things and there really hasn't been much going on in the legislature. Lew handled this story just fine.
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