Tuesday, October 1, 2013

PLCB takes credit but doesn't do anything.

Before you read my comments you need to read this press release from the PLCB.


This is called ass-kissing to stay on the good side of the PLCB.  If you didn't know - when something goes on sale at the PLCB it isn't the state store marking down their price, their cut stays the same.  It is the distributor who eats the dollars off.  Unlike how the most of the rest of the country works where it can be the distributor, store or both putting things on sale.  Here we have a case of the distributor not only providing the discount but also the donation and the PLCB is taking credit for it but not actually making any donation themselves. Pretty low-life if you ask me.

If you have any doubts as to my interpretation then look at this from the PLCB.

Government running retail business is Socialism plain and simple.
Privatization IS Modernization.  Accept nothing less.


Anonymous said...

I agree with you a hundred percent, the state should not be selling liquor or wine if its trying to control it, it does not make any sense.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry that i have to be anonymous but I work for them.. I have told my state reps and senators how corrupt this system is and that it should be privatize, i am just tired of all the bull crap going on in this system, so i hope they do away with it..also the people in the stores will get jobs when it does go private and the pay will be based on your experience and hard work, and not who you know or sleep with... thank you

Albert Brooks said...

You are not alone in voicing displeasure in the promotion system. Since the PLCB promotions are not based on any measurable skill set there will always be the bias and nepotism that it is famous for.

Anonymous said...

If I may, I would like to make a comment that actually pertains to this particular post. I Opened both links and do not see where the PLCB "takes credit for anything other than partnering with the wineries making the donations. Both links make clear the wineries are making the cash donation and the PLCB is helping to promote. I was in one of there stores Monday and the item were up front with PLCB signage and the young lady that approached me to offer assistance encouraged me to try them and explained how the producers were making a donation to research based on sales.

Albert Brooks said...

When you partner it means that you are going to do some portion of the work, donation, effort what have you. The distributors can put up signs (I've never heard of the PLCB disallowing ANY distributor signage) can make the donations and could claim credit for the same without anything from the PLCB. So what, exactly, are they doing for their portion of the partnership? Advertising? They only control that in PA for print, not the TV, radio or internet and those companies could easily and do easily advertise promotions.

Do you see a press release from any of the wineries or distributors saying what a great thing they are doing?

It was the PLCB who announced "...a portion of the proceeds... will be donated to the PA Breast Cancer Coalition." However, it isn't any of their proceeds - they aren't contributing anything. I don't know about you but I think that is disingenuous at the very least.

Anonymous said...

I would agree you could read that into this, but you have to really try hard. I look at the press release and flyer and think the PLCB has announced a vendor program in their stores. Nothing more. There may be a black helicopter here but I do not see it.

Albert Brooks said...

All I can say is look at other businesses that partner with charities and see how many of them actually contribute nothing. If you come up with any I'll be glad to hear about them.

Anonymous said...

Your last comment has nothing to do with your original post.

Albert Brooks said...

The title is the "PLCB takes credit and doesn't do anything" My post asks for other examples of businesses that also do nothing knowing that none will be found.

Anonymous said...

I'm missing the take credit part. ???

Anonymous said...

No one will hire you if they privatize because your A frigid cry baby.Lighten up. PLCB 4 ever!

Albert Brooks said...

A frigid cry-baby? Are you serious? One has to assume you are an adult but I kinda have my doubts. How many discussions have you won with 3rd grade verbiage such as that?

Take your ball and go home now, the grown-ups need to talk about things you don't understand.

Anonymous said...

I have worked in several states (including PA) with several distributors. Trust me, the supplier eats the cost of most of the depletion allowances - not the distributor. It's like that in every state. I'm not sure where you are getting your information but it is not accurate.

Anonymous said...

The sign CLEARLY says, "Korbel, Beringer, Menage a Trois, Barefoot, and Sutter Home will donate" How is that misleading? And the distributor does not "eat the cost" the supplier does, who writes this stuff, it isn't even accurate!

Anonymous said...

To Albert Brooks: I worked for the PLCB for several years. I started my career as a part-time clerk and worked my way up to working in their main office in Harrisburg. I did not know anyone in the system, nor did I have to sleep with anyone. I earned each and every promotion. By the way, what the hell is "a measurable skill set"? I would be interested in knowing what your experience in the alcohol industry is specifically - or are you just another disgruntled consumer who has no idea what no idea what they are talking about? The PLCB helped in the Breast Cancer Awareness program by supplying the signage and by making sure the displays were placed in each store in a prominent location. By the way, NO DISTRIBUTOR pays for any of these programs, it is the SUPPLIER. And, the supplier pays a commission to the distributor to represent them. You may want to do your homework before posting inane comments that clearly prove you do not know what you are talking about.

Albert Brooks said...

"Measurable skill set" is called a test. There are various wine certifications that measure wine knowledge and a few now for liquor none of which are required for store promotion. Just like the IT people should have certifications in their area of specialty before they are hired or promoted although that may be a bad example based on the IT record of late. Numerous large businesses (you DO want to be thought of as a business) require not only college courses but degrees for their management. Not the PLCB. That is a measurable skill set too.

My experience in the industry. I've worked at stores in 3 different states and even overseas were I was a manager. It isn't something I do now nor was it my chosen career. Based on your use of past tense it seems that it isn't your chosen career either.

I will admit my terminology could have been clearer with the state being another cog in the wheel it does change things here. I'll work on that.

The state did not provide the signage but they did allow it to be placed in the stores just like any other signage they get. As I said I've never heard of any signage being refused. It is and was not different then spinning Absolut displays or JD barrels or golf umbrellas that are seen. The PLCB didn't pay for any of those either. If they did the marketing budget would be triple the amount given for education instead of merely double.

Lastly, I am a disgruntled consumer just like the majority of consumers in the state who for decades have wanted rid of the PLCB as shown in almost every scientific poll ever taken for over the past 40+ years. I'm just more vocal about it.