Thursday, May 26, 2016

Meanwhile, in Saskatchewan...

How long has booze privatization been debated and promised in Pennsylvania? Decades.
How much has been done about booze privatization in Pennsylvania? Nothing. 

Meanwhile, in Saskatchewan, the Saskatchewan Party campaigned this spring on a platform that included transitioning their provincial monopoly liquor stores to privately-owned stores. They were put in power by the electorate, and now, less than two months later,, they've announced that they will convert 40 of the 75 government liquor outlets to private stores, and create twelve new private stores.

Dear Pennsylvania General Assembly:


  1. Union liquor store clerks up there too. Sometimes the Politicians do get it right.

  2. In an ironic twist, that song you linked to plays often on a radio station that seems to get played at a lot of state stores in Greater Philly.

  3. Y'all got ahead of yourself again. This bill has not passed. Probably will though as it is not really privatization. No need to correct anything, like you said earlier, "sensationalizing is what we do"! Who looks for facts on a blog anyway?

  4. Never said anything else. The Party got to work, the bill will likely pass - as even you admit - and it's all happening swiftly. Is it privatization? I didn't say it was, and it oesn't matter: if the PA legislature passed a bill to convert 320 of the State Stores to private stores, and issue 96 licenses for private stores...I'd definitely hail that as a major step forward, and a decent compromise. So what's your beef?

  5. Sensationalizing might be what we do in your opinion but not having reading comprehension seems to be what you do best. Who needs to understand when you can just make up stuff - right?
