Thursday, September 1, 2011

Regime Change?

Privatization may or may not happen. I understand some of the Labor Party -- sorry, Democratic Party legislators are going to be proposing some changes to the PLCB and the Almighty Liquor Code (the ones PJ begged for to "untie their hands"), so the Legislature MAY stay lazy and keep the damned thing. Hey, let's be honest: we may be stuck with this swaybacked mule of a liquor system, this fossilized relic of Repeal, this coprolite.

In that case...could we at least have it run right? As I pointed out in a recent post, the current PLCB administration has presided over an absolute Carnival of FAIL. Can they be held responsible? I think they can. Check the new poll: PJ and Joe Da CEO should resign, or be fired. It's reached that point. As a "shareholder" in this cockamamie "business" do you vote?


  1. Labor Party? The Democratic party isn't any more pro labor than the republicans, although they might like you to think they are.

    Also, calling them the "Democrat" party, a la Rush Limbaugh, is beneath you. A member of the party is a Democrat. The party is the Democratic Party. I know you're unhappy with the ones in your state, but that's no reason to stoop to a lower level of discourse.

  2. Hey, the "Democrat" Party thing was just a typo mistake, a brainfart. I fixed it, no big deal.

    But looking at how Democrat legislators are lining up against privatization, and the way they're parroting the UFCW's talking points? Sorry, I'm sticking with the "Labor Party" characterization for now. They may not be as "pro labor" as you want them to be, but they're very interested in acting as if they are. Just like the Republicans are interested in convincing the social conservatives that they care about their issues. Just like that.

  3. Agreed, it is just like that.

    Appreciate the correction - if there was a way to edit anon comments I would.

  4. Perfect assessment, Lew. None of them have OUR best interests at heart. Anyone who thinks otherwise has already drunk the Kool-Aid.

  5. Upper management just received insane 10% raises (for comparison, AFSCME members get 0% for the next three years) and stores recently released two brand new Tableleaf flavors. I don't see why Conti and Stapleton need their hands untied when they're already doing whatever they want to the detriment of PA taxpayers.

  6. I don't believe that management got the raise although Conti wants his upper management group to make upwards to $140,000. The statewide AFSCME contract does include the 10% raise over the next few years.

  7. I don't believe that management got the raise although they want the upper management group to make upwards to $140,000. This is why the PLCB want their hands untied. The statewide AFSCME contract does include the 10% raise over the next few years.

  8. Lew, your last post sounded like you're almost ready to throw in the towel on privitization. Don't give up! Sure the legislature is full of lazy folks who would be satisfied with the status quo because it's less work for them. But the PLCB can never be reformed and this is our best chance ever to restore sanity. People have to continue to keep this issue front and center. Privitization or nothing!

  9. I agree with Greg, don't give up. Also, let's be sure that those of us interested in privatization are attending publci meetings to counter the the PLCB workers attending.

  10. Guys, don't worry; I'm just bringing up how badly the thing's run. It's kind of a left-handed approach to saying "This thing sucks even if you change it." Fear not: I'm still strong for privatization!

  11. It is an election issue for the Republicans. Once they win, they find another reason to keep the political machine status quo.

    Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me every gubernatorial election since Thornbugh....

    The vending machine company was a "friend of Rendell".

    Conti wants to keep the idea alive, I am sure there is a Corbett supporter with a vending machine in the works.

