Monday, June 24, 2013

Another hurdle overcome: privatization passes Law and Justice Committee

SB100 has passed out of the Senate Law and Justice Committee by a vote of 6-5. The squeaker came when Republican Senator Don White (41st District, Indiana County) voted NO. Full vote is here. Privatization is now available for consideration by the full Senate. The bill now moves on to the Appropriations Committee (my mistake), then to a Senate vote by Wednesday. It won't be easy.

But that officially means that option 1 on the poll up there to the no longer a concern. Call your Senators today!


Anonymous said...

Actually I think it's "on to another committee

Lew Bryson said...

You're right, thanks!

Jackorain said...

Is HB790 still on the table because is still pushing for us to email our Senators to pass that bill.

Lew Bryson said...

The L&J Committee essentially eviscerated HB790 and inserted the SB100 language in it. They'll pass both versions; the way it's been explained to me is that it's easier and quicker for the House to pass HB790. Seems silly, but what do I know?

Anonymous said...

If it gets to the floor, it will be a amazing. At best it will happen on Thursday. Pileggi said he is still 5-6 votes shy. The only way this gets to the Senate floor is a version that cannot be passed by the House. If Corbett was a leader, he would get the House to bend on transportation, then the Senate may budge on something other than a weaker bill than McIlhinney; otherwise, privatization will be tabled until the next Governor.

Lew Bryson said...

I really wish you doom and gloom guys would post with a name. I mean, Wendell W. "The Middle W is For Windy" Young IV at least makes his dumb predictions in public (a privatization bill would never get out of the House Liquor Control Committee, it would never pass the House, it was only for fund-raising, and -- my favorite -- the "continuation clause" in the union's new contract would ward off privatization like some magic charm), so we can then make light of them. But don't worry, if and when the bill does pass the Senate, we won't even remember this!

Anonymous said...

Neither doom nor gloom rather a pragmatist. The Senate now acknowledges that they do not have the votes, so it goes to the floor today in an unusual move. But then you know all this per your rant. I'll be watching today starting at 11 AM, as I'm keenly interested in the outcome. A successful outcome in my eyes will be toasted with a bottle of 61.

Anonymous said...

Another day and another delay. The Senate was supposed to vote on Wednesday then Thursday then Friday, now the LT Governor says Saturday. Still have the DFH 61 and 75 waiting for SB 100 to pass, but until then, I'll be drinking martinis.